It’s Freightoberfest. And I love it.
A silly name? Sure.
A serious goal? Absolutely.
Being able to have conversations with owner-operators every day is the best part of my job. I get to understand the issues on the road, their goals, and their aspirations. I hear about driving with a son in the passenger seat for 6 straight days to show him the ropes to prepare him to join the family business. I hear about tires bursting, wives upset at the lack of facetime they and their kids get with dad, and a myriad of other interesting anecdotes.
One thing I keep coming back to time and time again is how DrayNow can help in so many ways. In an industry with thousands of inefficiencies and countless ways for a day to end completely different than expected, DrayNow and my team seeks to make our drivers/carriers have the best possible day, every day.
How do we do that?
Customer service first: I have never been around people who care so much about making sure we deliver the best possible outcome for everyone we work with. I see follow-through and execution that would make any manager proud. Our daily goal is to make a driver as much money as possible – because at the end of the day – their success is our success.
Technology second: Our technology platform makes every load so much easier. No more faxing. No more scanning. No more haggling. You see a load, you take it, you run it, you get paid for it. All of this is backed by our mobile app and website service for dispatchers that make management of schedules and full truck utilization so much easier.
A powerful mission: Money is obviously at the center of every business plan – but should it be the only thing? Absolutely not. My time at DrayNow has shed light on the right way to conduct a business. Be 100% honest and transparent. Work tirelessly to ensure we have created enough opportunity for every driver to have a means to have a better life.
The customers we work with have seen it all when it comes to carriers/drivers. Problems on the road are a part of the world we live in and will inevitably happen. However, the response from DrayNow and the ability of our drivers to jump on a load at a moment’s notice for a pickup 3 hours from now is an amazing sight to behold. Our customer’s notice it, appreciate it, and are relying more and more on DrayNow to fulfill their needs.
That’s where Freightoberfest comes into play.
My goal was to showcase both sides to each other like no other time in the history of DrayNow. Every day, I bring in new drivers to our platform who are eager to spend more time at home, sleep in their bed every night, and see their family each night. They see DrayNow as a way to accomplish that while still earning what they need to provide for their family.
“My goal is to arm EVERY owner-operator with the chance to earn the income they need by driving every day with DrayNow.”
That is why I came up with the idea of Freightoberfest: an incentive-based program with the goal of boosting the amount of freight on our board and giving drivers the opportunity to rely on DrayNow each and every day for consistent freight that is priced right. It was also a chance for me to show my appreciation to our entire driver base – giving them extra money on each load they run with us while introducing them to new freight and lanes that can help expedite their days and provide more convenient routes.
When I came up with the idea – a significant expenditure – my CEO didn’t blink an eye. A way for us to get driver’s driving more? A way for our customers to utilize the best carrier/driver base in the world? “That’s a home run!”
Paul Gottlich, Carrier Engagement
So, if you’re reading this as a carrier/driver interested in a better way to drive, give me a ring and let’s talk! I would love to have you come on board and give us a try. Don’t let that truck just sit. Don’t let your spouse stay unhappy with your nights on the road. Stop sleeping in your truck. Download our app and sign up!
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