Our Team’s Tech Tools
Technology is at the forefront of what we offer on our platform, and it is also helping things run smoothly behind the scenes. From helping with customer support to providing alternative meeting spaces, check out the tech tools that the DrayNow team is using on a daily basis!

Essential for every workplace, Slack is the go-to platform for intraoffice communication. Whether we’re sending company-wide messages, or scheduling meetings with coworkers, DrayNow employees are using Slack constantly. The capabilities allow us to stay updated on everything related to the business, and even building up company culture through channels open to everyone to talk about anything.

If Slack is the tool for all internal messaging, then Hubspot is the go-to for all external communications. We utilize Hubspot as a database full of customer contacts that are within reach for phone and email communications. There is also an extensive amount of reporting capabilities to keep us aware of successful campaigns and making sure everything is running smoothly.

In such a dynamic environment as DrayNow, it’s sometimes difficult to have every employee under one roof at the same time. That’s where Zoom comes in and allows us to set up meetings with anyone in the organization no matter where we are. Zoom is there to make sure nothing gets in the way of having successful conversations with internal and external associates.
These are just a few of the many tools we’re constantly using. Expect to see this list keep expanding as the organization grows and there’s more opportunity to utilize new products out there on the market!
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